Sunday, January 16, 2011

21 days to my new habits!!$#

so as of today I started changing my eating habits I dont call it a diet cus that word makes me hungry lol but I have dont this before and it works I had lost 20lbs in one month in 2008 so for breakfast I have a small bowl of special K cereal with fat free milk , for lunch I have one decent meal today I had a salad and a piece of steak with some diet green tea also I signed up at 24 hour fitness just because its really motivating to see all these people trying to meet their goal like I am:) I had a cheese stick for snack and later on I will have another bowl of cereal Its really hard bcus I love sweets... the reason why I call it 21 days to my new habits I bcus according to Joel Osteen which I love to listen to says that it may take up to a little as 21 days to get into a new habit and I wana prove myself that I can do anything I put my mind to it! I gained all my weight bcus I ate like a pig but it was due to my having gestational diabetes with my last son I wasnt allowed to have sweets at all and also very small portions of food so when I wasnt prego anymore I missed it and didnt watch my food neither did I work out! Im back on track as of today bcus I want to feel good about myself and build my self esteem up again this is not only for looks but also my health when Im overweight I feel depressed and sad so eff this im back in the game bitches!!! hahaha


  1. That's right Nellyboo, we can do this and we dnt do it for the men they never noticed we do it for ourselves LOL!!! I got a 24hr membership too you should try the bodypump & zumba class it's a great way to burn calories and have fun unlike the machines which just makes me feel like I'm working LOL but like they say no pain no game!!! C'mon over pain LOL

  2. I am obsessed with drinking green tea, and it actually helps you lose weight. I read an article about it and summed it up in a post on my blog. Check it out!

    xo, Jay

  3. I also have 3 kids and stop watching what I ate and my exercise after my 2nd one and gained a lot of weight! But my youngest baby she's 17 months is a vegetarian(apparently some kids are born like that) So I have become obsessed with being healthy and making sure my daughter doesn't eat empty calories and supplement meat for food that's high in protein, iron, and good fats! Well I hope your journey to feel good about yourself comes sooner than later! Good luck!

